In January 2010 the Oceanside Fire Fighters (OFA) and Police Officers (OPOA) election fraud, and evidence tampering cover up conspiracy was not only alive and well, it was expanding. The Kern Recall Special Election conspiracy of 2009 was temporarily stalled, when the Police and Fire Departments hired gun Charles Lowery, was rejected in the Kern Recall by a narrow vote margin. A major achievement by the citizens of Oceanside, considering the OFA's and OPOA's massive illegal financial dominance, continuing public corruption in the city council, public coercion, and the total lack of coverage by the so called "Free Press". A free press which was literally sold to the public unions, for advertising dollars, reporters unobstructed news access to Police and District Attorney agencies, and to avoid conflicts with financially powerful public unions. Lowery campaign finance records show an additional $8,213.08 would flow, from the new 2010 Police and Fire supported Lowery election campaign, to the North County times advertising department. The additional $8,000.00 plus payments increased the documented hard cash payoff total to a minimum of $93,000.00 plus, for a small town city council election.
The NCT staff contacted are as follows:
Kent Davy - NCT Editor
Dan McSwain - NCT Managing Editor
Craig Tenbroeck - Staff Reporter City Council Beat
Teri Figueroa - Staff Reporter Court Beat
Melanie Marshall - News Editor
Ray Huard - Staff Reporter City Council Beat
Joy Buckles - Staff Reporter
S. Brandt - Staff Reporter
P. Sisson - Staff Reporter
Barbara Henry - Staff Reporter
Sarah Gordon - Staff Reporter
The citizen's lock, placed on the public treasury, by the failure of the Kern Recall Election Conspiracy, was smashed when Council Member Chavez suddenly resigned in December of 2009, partly due to the OFA's past financial assault on his job and family security, and the current financial and political assaults on Council Member Kern. CM Chavez clearly saw no future as a council member in the City Of Oceanside. The OFA and the OPOA believed, that the numerous complaints in public council meeting, being broadcast to the citizens on public television, were partly responsible for the narrow loss of the recall election. This would be a reasonable assumption considering how cooperative the local News Media had been in keeping citizens in the dark, with a total absence of accurate coverage. This became evident as new civil rights violations tactics of Mayor Wood, and the Oceanside Police were unveiled. The tactic was intended to coerce the silence of citizens public complaints, for the new special election set for June 2010. The OFA 2009 Recall Election conspiracy plan to replace Kern, with Charles Lowery in 2009, was restructured to put Lowery in the council seat of resigning CM Chavez in the June 2010 special election so Lowery could provide that third vote on the expanded union contract.
In late 2009 Eric Lido was the first known Oceanside citizens to receive the Police (OPOA) tactic of "selective election fraud conspiracy protection". Mr. Lido, frustrated with the election corruption, removed some of the Police and Fire Department election signs from street edges and front yards, with an estimated value of less than twenty five dollars. Lido was arrested for misdemeanor petty theft, which was then upgraded to felony receiving stolen property, as Lido had several of the political signs in the back of his truck. Receiving Stolen Property is a felony charge normally used to go after a third party, know as a fence, that receives, and then resale stolen property for profit. This inflated prosecution was set up to send a warning to any Oceanside citizens that opposed the corruption. At the same time the Oceanside Police and District Attorneys Office protected all police and fire union members and supporters involved in the election fraud conspiracy, and the massive evidence tampering, from all complaints, investigations and prosecutions. Citizens that criminally oppose the election fraud are prosecuted harshly, and citizens that criminally support the police and fire public corruption are fully protected.
The NCT and other News Media groups were provided full information, and a contact phone number for Mr. Lido.
There was never any evidence of NCT, or any other news organization following up, investigating, or reporting on the arbitrary use of the penal code, or its connections to the election fraud.
In January 2010 the next victim of "selective election fraud conspiracy protection" was a homeless citizen named Rich Shapiro. Shapiro had lost his job, and his home, as the building industry collapsed, and he was forced to live in his van. Shapiro had been complaining about police corruption and harassment, in the citizen's speaking segments of the city council meetings in Oceanside and Carlsbad. These three minute periods are protected by law under the California Brown Act, from interference by elected officials. The law was specifically enacted to provide citizens with a safe, and protected environment in public meeting, to voice their opinions and complaints, about any public issue. However, Mayor Wood and the Oceanside Police did not want any more adverse public complaints about the Council, or Police and Fire public corruption. Especially, not while they were trying to put Charles Lowery into the recently vacated seat of Council Member Chavez.
In late January 2010, Mayor Wood (retired OPD Officer), and the Oceanside Police activated a civil rights violation conspiracy to silence citizen complaints in council meetings. Mayor Wood, in opposition to council member Feller, ordered Chief Of Police Frank McCoy to station multiple police officers in the council meetings, to remove complaining citizens on the orders of Mayor Wood. The only people this tactic was used against in 2010 were those that complained about police and council public corruption. Mr. Shapiro's frustration with what he viewed as public corruption was expressed in words, that Mayor Wood suggested were illegal, profane, and offensive, even though Wood and the Police knew the words were protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution. Mr. Shapiro was calling on God to Damn the council members and the Oceanside Police, for their public corruption. So Mayor Wood ignored the Brown Act and the Constitution, and ordered pre-positioned Police Officers to seize Mr. Shapiro, and remove him from the council chambers. It was not the first time, and it would not be the last time Mr. Shapiro was simply forced from the council chamber by police officers, on the orders of Mayor Jim Wood. There was no arrest, and no reports. There was only the intended intimidation of multiple police officers forcing a citizens out of a public meeting, and warning him not to return. Clear civil rights violations, and it became the standard tactic for dealing with any citizens that complained about police and council corruption.
Ray Huard of the NCT was covering the council meetings with other reporters.
This reporter filed a criminal complaint with DDA Damon Mosler of the District Attorney's Office, and the complaint was buried with no follow up.
Ray Huard of the NCT and other reporters in the gallery when these assaults took place, ignored the assaults, and the complaint, and there was no evidence of follow up, investigation, or reporting by the North County Times, or any other news group.
Council Member Feller publicly told the council that keeping several police officers tied up for for three to five hours, sitting in council meeting, was not necessary and a waste of police resources. Feller stated this practice was unnecessary with the police constantly complaining about a lack of man power on the streets. CM Feller was overruled by Mayor Wood, and the police presence was maintained, and used against any citizens complaining about police and council public corruption, including this reporter.
On March 6, 2010, when this reporter arrived at the council meeting to speak before the council as a citizen of Oceanside, I immediately came under very obvious surveillance, by the three pre-positioned uniformed police officers. I had previously given written notices to the city of my intention to speak in the public sessions. As a precaution, I contacted Ray Huard of the North County Times, and told him, "I believed Mayor Wood and the Oceanside Police were planning some action against me, for my planned public presentation". When I began questioning Mayor Wood about his involvement in the Oceanside Officer Damon Smith Evidence Tampering cover up, and the Mayor's discrimination practices in the public speaker process, Mayor Wood ordered the police to seize me, and remove me from council chamber. OPD Sgt. Mendoza was told the seizure was illegal, and that I wanted to file a criminal complaint. OPD SGT. Mendoza refused to take a criminal complaint, and warned me not to come back to the council chambers. Sgt Mendoza then posted two officers at the door with orders to arrest me, if I tried to return to the council meeting. The only times I had seen, or heard of this police tactic being used in the Oceanside council meeting was when citizens were publicly complaining about police and council criminal corruption.
A written, signed felony criminal complaint, with documentation was filed against Mayor Wood and the three police officers. The complaint #10003712 was filed with the Oceanside Police, the DA's Office, and DDA Damon Mosler of the District Attorney's Office. There was never any follow up or investigation of the written, signed, felony complaint by the police or the DA's office.
NCT reporter Ray Huard and other media reporters were eye witnesses to multiple civil rights violations, and there was never any evidence of follow up, investigation, or reporting by the North County Times.
The City of Carlsbad City Council, liked the public coercion process used by the Oceanside Council and Police, against Mr. Shapiro. They liked it so much, the Carlsbad Mayor ordered Mr. Shapiro arrested for calling the council "pussies" for avoiding investigations of police corruption. Citizens free speech, protected by the First Amendment Of The Constitution, and the California Brown Act, was now being prosecuted as criminal conduct, to coerce citizens to keep their mouth shut about public corruption.
DDA Damon Mosler, and the DA's office, had received one oral, two e-mail, and two written criminal complaints in February and March of 2010 detailing the civil rights violations, practice by the Oceanside Council and Police, against Mr. Shapiro and others. However, the DA's Office immediately picked up the Carlsbad arrest and prosecution of Mr. Shapiro, with full knowledge the prosecution was false, and public corruption.
NCT reporter Ray Huard was an eye witness to multiple civil rights violations, and there was never any evidence of follow up, investigation, or reporting by the North County Times. Mr. Huard and other reporters knew about the history, of written criminal complaints, to the Oceanside Police and the District Attorneys Office on the Shapiro assaults, and did nothing.
The false prosecution of Mr. Shapiro continued until the ACLU was told about the the corrupt process by this reporter and others. The ACLU then offered to defend Mr. Shapiro, and issued a warning letter to the District Attorneys Office stating the following:
Re: CN-28-3141
Dear Deputy District Attorney Wong and District Attorney Dumanis:"I am writing in regards to the recent arrest of Richard Shapiro at a Carlsbad City Council meeting. Mr. Shapiro spoke during the public comment time and was removed by officers after using what some might consider vulgar language while addressing the council. But distasteful or not, “one man‟s vulgarity is another‟s lyric.” Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15, 25 (1971). We are long past the time when governmental officials can enforce grade school standards of acceptable speech in an adult forum, especially in a political context. The removal, arrest, and prosecution of Mr. Shapiro violate the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Please dismiss the charges immediately".
ACLU Warning Letter To District Attorney Dumanis On False Prosecution
The District Attorney's Office immediately dropped the prosecution, with multiple excuses indicating that the "name calling" by Mr. Shapiro no longer meet the standards for a criminal prosecution. Mr. Shapiro stated, The City Of Carlsbad then changed the charges to a lesser offense, and assigned the prosecution to an outside private law firm, citing possible conflicts with the City Attorneys Office. Mr. Shapiro has filed a law suit for damages against the City Of Carlsbad and The Carlsbad Police Department.
The North County Times and other news media knowingly ignored the Civil Rights Violations attacks on Mr. Shapiro, and other citizens, for several months, until the ACLU stepped in and forced the DA's Office to drop the false charges.
Only then did the news media start to provide a more balanced coverage on Mr. Shapiro, but they never investigated or reported on the history of the corruption, or its direct connections to public corruption in the Oceanside Council, Police and Fire Departments, the election fraud conspiracy, or the evidence tampering cover up.
The North County Times not only knew everything about the public corruption, they were actually eye witnesses in many case, and they were told where the hard evidence was in the public records to prove it.
On March 25, 2010 the Police and DA evidence tampering public corruption expanded again. This reporter received an e-mail from an Oceanside citizen named Michael Shields. Mr. Shields stating he had been falsely arrested and prosecuted, while the Oceanside Police and the San Diego District Attorneys Office hid audio tape evidence that proved his innocence, and Shields was correct. The Oceanside Officer Jon Domonique evidence tampering would prove to be a major hub, connecting more audio tape evidence tampering with multiple law enforcement agencies, and multiple deputy district attorneys. It would also add another officers name to the Officer Damon Smith "John Doe List" of Oceanside Officers involved in eight years of evidence tampering in hundreds, if not thousands, of potentially corrupted criminal prosecutions.
On February 25, 2009, Officer Domonique did an incompetent, and negligent field investigation, at a traffic accident scene. The result was the false arrest of Michael Shields for felony assault with a deadly weapon. Several hours later at the Oceanside Police Department, while taking an audio tape statement from Mr. Shields, Officer Domonique recognized the mistake. Shields was the victim of the assault, not the suspect. Officer Domonique could have reported the mistake to his superiors, and accepted any subsequent disciplinary action for the false felony arrest. However, Officer Domonique did not report his mistake. Officer Domonique choose to hide the audio tape statement evidence, falsify his police report, and the evidence logs, removing all reference to the audio tape statement, and allowed an innocent man to be prosecuted for a felony crime he did not commit.
Eight months later, in late 2009, the Shields case prosecutor DDA Daniel Rodriquez, was still telling Shields and his Attorney, that the audio tape statement did not exist. In October 2009, DDA Rodriquez was caught, red handed, hiding another audio tape evidence statements, taken by the San Diego County Sheriffs in the "Shippee" Rape Kidnap case from Vista, California. Three men were being prosecuted for felony rape and kidnap, while DDA Rodriguez hid the victims audio tape evidence statement, indicating the suspects were over charged. DDA Rodriquez was removed from the Shippee case prosecution, and the Shields prosecution, and put on suspension pending an investigation. An investigation which was suppressed to protect DA's and Police Officers, including DA Dumanis, from criminal investigations and prosecutions, and a $20 million dollar civil liability law suit for tampering with evidence in the Sommer murder case. The basic story on DDA Rodriguez's suspension was carried by both the North County Times and the Union Tribune, however, the audio tape evidence tampering connections to the Oceanside Police Department and the DA's office were omitted.
In November 2009, the Shields case was reassigned to DDA Elizabeth Silva, who continued to deny the existence of the Officer Domonique audio tape statement, while pressing Shields to take a plea bargain. A plea bargain that would have allowed the hidden evidence tape, to remain hidden, while an innocent man went to prison. The same plea bargain pressures had been used by DDA Rodriguez in his prosecution of the Shields case, and the Shippee case. The hidden audio tape, that did not exist, was produced only when the trial started, and when Officer Domonique was faced with taking the stand and testifying under oath, and penalty of perjury.
he news media, including the North County Times and Reporters Ray Huard and Terri Figueroa, were provide full details on the Officer Domonique, and DDA Rodriguez evidence tampering, and it's connections to the Officer Damon Smith evidence tampering and the DDA Laura Gunn Evidence Tampering.
There was never any evidence of follow up, investigation or reporting by the North County Times or any other news organization. Figueroa was one of the reporters that originally discovered the Officer Smith evidence tampering.
*The only news organization other than GTI News Photo, to follow up and investigate the Shields false arrest was The San Diego Reader.
Between October 2009 and March 2010, all of the evidence tampering cases, complaints, and documentation on the Officer Smith, Officer Domonique, DDA Daniel Rodriguez, DDA Laura Gunn, and the DA Dumanis evidence tampering in the Cynthia Sommers Murder prosecution, were all actively being protected from investigation and prosecution by the DA's Special Operations Division, under the control of DDA Damon Mosler.
The NCT and other News Media Organizations were give full documentation and told were to find the hard evidence in the public records.
There was never any evidence of follow up, investigation or reporting by the North County Times, or any other news organization.
In June of 2010 the Oceanside Police, Fire, and City Council public corruption conspiracy turned pure gold with the election of Charles Lowery to fill out the remaining six months of the seat vacated by CM Chavez. The City of Oceanside already had projected deficits in the millions of dollars, and the Police and Fire Departments and their unions, did not care. The long stalled police and fire union contract negotiations for rank and file members moved into high gear. The Lowery vote gave Mayor Wood and Deputy Mayor Sanchez the majority vote control, to push through the expanded police and fire union contracts, with everything the Firefighters wanted. The expanded pay and benefits the fire department originally wanted became a secondary issue, after CM Kern opposed funding two new firefighter positions, and suggested privatizing parts of the OFA to same money. The loss of firefighter positions and services would directly impact the OFA unions cash flow, which had financed the election fraud. The OFA wanted to make sure the citizen and any future council controls over firefighter staffing was transferred to the OFA, for the life of the contract. The citizens city council controls, over the size and cost of the fire departments, would be signed over to the OFA Firefighters, by the votes of OFA financed council members Mayor Wood, Deputy Mayor Sanchez, and newly elected rubber stamp CM Charles Lowery. This reporter is not even sure if removing the citizens protections of City Council Control over firefighter staffing is even legal, but no one in the "free press" news media even raised the question.
In September 2009 the new expanded union contracts for the rank and file police officers and firemen was approved by the new OFA financially controlled city council, with full Oceanside Police protection from criminal complaints and investigations.
The NCT, and a few local news organizations limited their news coverage to the approval of the new contract.
There was no associated coverage on the California FPPC verification of fraud in the election, the Police and Fire election fraud conspiracy documented in the criminally manipulated campaign finance records, or the direct connections of the massive Oceanside Police and DA Evidence Tampering, and its cover up, to protect the election fraud.
Election day November 2, 2010, the citizens of Oceanside throw another monkey wrench into the Police and Fire election fraud conspiracy. Council Member Charles Lowery failed to get re-elected for a full term as an Oceanside council member. The OFA Firemen and OPOA Police Officers still had more union contracts, with expanded pay and benefits, that they wanted approved before Charles Lowery officially left office at midnight on December 1, 2010. The Police and Fire departments rank and file union contracts had been pushed through the council approval process, by Mayor Wood and Deputy Mayor Sanchez, in September 2010. However, the police and fire management union contracts, were still under negotiation in November 2010. Those contracts would not be ready for a standard council vote before CM Lowery left office, and even if they were ready for a vote, there were no regularly scheduled council meetings before December 2nd.
Once again the Oceanside Police and Fire election fraud conspiracy kicked into high gear. CM Lowery's election campaign was $11,000.00 in debt, including a $2,000.00 personal loan from Lowery. As reported by GTI News Photo in November 2010, CM Lowery's vote was purchased three days after the failed election by the OFA firefighters, and the OPOA police. The Police OPOA, and the OFA Firefighters quickly transferred $11,000.00 to the Lowery campaign, and Lowery transferred his votes to the Police and Fire public criminal corruption.
The OFA and OPOA, in coordination with Mayor Wood, Deputy Mayor Sanchez, and CM Lowery, conspired to convert the unfinished union management contract negotiations, into short form Memorandums of Agreement, that could be voted on by CM Lowery before he left office. The Memorandums Of Agreement would be as legally binding, as any formal contracts, on future city councils. These council members had full knowledge of the OFA and OPOA election fraud conspiracy, and full access to the evidence documents in the cities campaign finance records. They also had more than two dozen public presentations proving council notification in open council meeting, by this reporter and other Oceanside citizens. No council member demanded investigations by state authorities. There were only half hearted statements by Kern and Feller that the process did not pass the smell test.
The lack of a legal council meeting, to get Lowery $11,000.00 votes on the record was also no problem. Mayor Wood, under the cities emergency provisions, had the authority to call an emergency special council meeting on a twenty four hour notice. Apparently the validation and completion of a Police and Fire Department criminal conspiracy, to manipulate the votes of citizens and elected officials was considered an emergency issue for Mayor Wood. Mayor Wood issued the emergency notification for a special council meeting on December 1, 2010, the day before CM Lowery left office, for the purpose of approving those hastily written "Memorandums of Agreements" to expand the Police and Fire Management pay and benefits.
The NCT and other News Media Organizations witnessed the process and were give full documentation, and told were to find the hard evidence in the public records.
There was never any evidence of follow up, investigation or reporting by the North County Times, or any other news organization.
On November 19, 2010, the Firefighters Union continuing falsification of campaign finance records in 2010, became so pervasive, that the Oceanside City Clerk also filed a formal written complaint against the OFA, with the California Fair Political Practices Commission.
The future does not look good for Oceanside citizens, or their hard earned tax dollars. The Oceanside Police, Fire, and City Council election fraud conspiracy has left the citizens of Oceanside in debt, and a 2011 deficit of more than $2,000,000.00, as a direct result of the Police and Fire election fraud conspiracy. A deficit that is projected by the City Manager, to rise to more than $5,000,000.00 by 2015. The City Council is currently scrambling to identify, and impose new taxes and fees on the citizens of Oceanside, to try and offset part of the cost of the public criminal corruption. The Police and Fire Departments have pay raise, from the criminal fraud of their citizens. Mayor Wood's and Deputy Mayor Sanchez's public corruption will be well rewarded, with full re-election campaign finance money, from the OFA Firefighters and the OPOA Police Officers.
The so called protectors of the citizens, The North County Times has at least $93,000.00, and possibly as much as $115,000.00 of Firefighter and Police money tucked neatly into their advertising department. Money for delivering fraudulent election literature, that the NCT knew was falsified, with a news access bonus from protecting the first responder public unions criminal corruption. The citizens of Oceanside have the debt, and the knowledge, that the "Rule Of Law", and their Free Press Protections are "Lie", when first responder Police and Firefighter public unions are involved in public corruption.